
Staying on top of things

Jogging - Day 2
My jogging/bottle collecting? get up and my choice of tunage.
jogging 11/21/10

I woke up at a completely unholy hour this morning and couldn't get back to what I would call a "normal" pattern of sleep. My remedy? Lay in bed listening to Vinyl Café until the sun comes out and warms my bedroom enough for me to justify getting out from under the covers. Then I have a quick breakfast, get suited up in my hobo gear and have a run along Dallas road in Ross Bay. I'm starting to discover that my fellow joggers aren't really that friendly of a bunch. I always give a little smile or a "hello" as I pass but they all just look at me like I have something on my face. I never realised that dressing like a bum and running without being chased was such a serious matter.

I've been having a lot of fun with life lately. Hanging out with people that I really thought that I'd lost connections with. It's nice to know that even though I might disappear for a while they always welcome me back into the friend circle with open arms. I think I seriously have the best buds around. I've also been learning to appreciate hanging out by myself. In my 28 years I've never really given myself the opportunity to have some real alone time every now and then to do my thing and not have to worry about catering to another person who might be present. I've always either lived with people or just always tried to surround myself with company, whether it be a girlfriend, a spouse, or friends. I always tried to be social and keep myself busy with others. So now I'm dedicating 2 days a week to not hanging out with anyone. I just sit at home and occupy my time with chores or just vegging out in front of the TV or a book. It's taking some getting used to but I'm starting to really enjoy it.

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